Monday, July 19, 2010

ideas for sketching group

(couresty of James)

Friday sketching group

Good to meet up with everyone the first time out, thanks again Sarah for organising it and posting our pics.

Some thoughts about sketching sessions;

1. Could we perhaps pick a theme (optional of course) say for example if we were in the nat. art gallery we might just decide to only do a portrait that day of an old/young/man/woman either from a painting/statue, or from life either, or even do our selves, the idea being that we put a bit of structure and focus to our sessions.

Other ideas/themes could be capturing light and shadow, conveying texture, motion, pattern, colour, solidity, transparency, depicting rain, air,wind, etc.etc.

These "themes" could be loosely or closely interpreted depending on the individual, perhaps we could all take it in turns each week to suggest something rather than leaving it just to Sarah.

3. Could we decide on doing maybe an hour and a half to two hours before we break for coffee so that we have more time to get into the work.

In saying all that I won't be able to make it to another Sunday session myself till Sunday 13th as will be out of town for that time. Really looking forward to the next session though.

Thanks for reading.

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